Hello, my name is

Anvay Vats

Web Designer, Competitive Programmer, Web Developer, Mathematics Enthusiast, App Designer, App Developer


About Me

Math and Computer Science Enthusiast

I'm an avid learner and teacher of mathematics, computer science, and basically anything to do with logical thinking and problem solving. Currently, I study at United World College of South East Asia, East Campus, in Grade 12 (IBDP). I take Math Analysis and Approaches HL, Computer Science HL, Physics HL, Economics SL, English Language and Literature SL, and Spanish B SL. On my pursuit of Math and CS knowledge beyond what my school offers, I self-studied (in 4 months, while school was going on, using just two books that I purchased) to take the A-Level exams for Further Mathematics (9231) in just Grade 11, achieving an A* [PUM: 95]. Furthermore, I also took the STEP II and III exams (an admissions test used as the entrance exam for mathematics at the University of Cambridge) in Grade 11, achieving very good grades. I have also explored several areas of technology and CS, such as Data Science - came naturally to me, as I'm fond of both math (statistics) and CS - (AI - ML/Deep Learning), Competitive Programming (CP), and Web Development (most of these I've put up on my GitHub, so please check it out).

I use my mathematical and Competitive Programming skills to teach at the HS Computing Club (which I founded and lead) and HS Competition Math Club (which I lead) at my institution - I've received various international accolades due to my skills in competition mathematics, but I pride myself more on self-studying and teaching mathematical concepts.

My perseverance with these topics has lead me to not only create projects on them, but also to read deeper into them - I've read:

Additionally, I have heavily contributed to open-source software and online communities, both big (creating software for pip) and small (contributing to Learney). I've created a Python module called stringtoiso that aims to unify all International Organization for Standardization tokens into one, allowing you to convert from one to another; I've also heavily collaborated with and contributed to smaller, grassroots projects like Learney, a web application that allows students to understand the links between Mathematics, Computer Science, and Data Science, all of which, as I've mentioned, are my interests.

Name: Anvay Vats
Nationality: Indian (currently residing in Singapore, but have lived in Norway as well)
Institution: United World College of South East Asia, East Campus
Email: anvayvats@gmail.com
Check out my GitHub Connect with me


My Skills



Education & Expericence

My Education

Bachelor's of ____

____ University | 2022 - ____

I intend to do a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science, or something along those lines; I'm an avid learner, and have self-taught myself multiple skills, so I feel that university, no matter where I choose to go, will be perfect as a next step in my lifelong learning journey.

International Baccalaureate (IBDP), Foundation IB (FIB)

United World College of South East Asia, East Campus | 2019 - 2022

My High School, where I intend to finish my IB Diploma Programme and where I have finished a year-long programme called FIB (Foundation IB). At the Higher Level, I take Math Analysis and Approaches, Computer Science, and Physics, and at the Standard Level, I take Economics, English Language and Literature, and Spanish B. I take very keen interest in Math and CS, so I have additionally taken the Further Mathematics A-Level exams (syllabus code 9231, 4 papers) by the end of Grade 11, where I achieved an A* [PUM: 95]. My experiences at this school gave me a global experience with learning, allowed me the ability to learn at my own pace, and even teach my peers in classes like Math, Physics and CS, and in clubs like HS Computing Club and HS Competition Math Club, both of which I lead or have created.

IGCSE (8A*s)

Global Indian International School, Punggol Campus | 2017 - 2019

The former half of my high school experience; I studied 8 subjects at IGCSE here, and joined 3 months into Grade 9, whereas I should have joined in Grade 8, so I was a year younger than what was usual, and so I couldn't take a second language subject. Nevertheless, I caught up on these subjects, securing 8A*s in all 8 of my IGCSE subjects (Computer Science, Additional Mathematics, Extended Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Global Perspectives, First Language English, and English Literature).

Middle School (IB Middle Years Programme)

Oslo International School, Norway | 2013 - 2017

I was in Oslo for 4 years of my life, where I studied in Oslo International School (OIS) at Middle School. Made some great friends and fond memories there.

My Expericence

Full-Stack Developer

Altus Media (Web Development) | 2019 - Current

Operate Altus Media, an international non-profit, with a team of several members spanning Asia, North America, and Europe, that helps NGOs and other non-profits with their web development needs, usually in the form of building or maintaining a website. We have multiple reputable clients, including BlackConnect, a non-profit NGO that promotes and supports black-owned businesses, promoting their message through their website (which I happen to be in charge of).

VR & AR Intern

Silver Wings (VR & AR Solutions) | October 2020 - November 2020

Got first-hand experience into how a local company can provide Augmented Reality solutions to its clients (in my case, this was for real estate), and how VR-based hardware (e.g. 360 cameras) can be used to optimize productivity in shipment yards: by providing a 'Google Maps'-type experience, wherein particular 360 images of locations are tagged to store data.

Founder and Lead Instructor

Libre Academy | January 2021 - Current

Founded and currently operate the non-profit Libre Academy, which helps both middle and high school students learn concepts from different curricula (like IGCSE, IB, A-Levels) communicated through free YouTube videos among other services. This initiative has a team of 10+ high school students, whose knowledge ranges from the IGCSE-level, to university-level. Inspired by Khan Academy, this resource that has impacted more than 5000 people, has a larger focus on international curricula, unlike the abundance of Advanced Placement resources on Khan Academy.

Coding Projects and Community Service using code

Github | October 2020 - Current

I've been building projects for a while. It started off with Arduino coding in Grades 5 & 6, then moved to Raspberry Pi projects (mainly involving IoT) in Grades 7 & 8, and in High School, this passion for creating things has lead me to software development, which I practice by building purely software projects in different coding languages and with different tools. Here's a list of some of them:

  • This personal portfolio website built with HTML, JS, CSS, SCSS, and PHP;
  • GradeTracker, my first Java Windowbuilder project that uses fundamental and complex OOP concepts with Serialization to create a multi-user GUI that tracks students' grades and classes, forming a virtual, social network like in school;
  • Competitions Database GUI, a GUI made with Windowbuilder that uses Java and SQL to access and edit a local database through different queries. I even added a SQL interpreter within the GUI that allows the users to see and play around with the Database;
  • AI Feedback System, my first GUI project with Tkinter (Python) and the Google Sheets API that uses Sentiment Analysis (a method of NLP) to help the Student Council at my school analyse how students felt about events they hosted or other things about school life (e.g. how they feel about home-based learning);
  • Computer Vision (AI) 'Hand Raise' Detector, an AI (Computer Vision) web application that uses Tensorflow and Teachable Machine to detect whether a student's hand is raised during online learning. This would be helpful online classrooms for students to silently alert their teachers if they need a break (or want to use the restroom), if something urgent has come up, or anything else;
  • Every Audiobook, a GUI project with Tkinter that uses the gTTS (google Text-To-Speech), Pygame's Mixer, and the Libgen API. The GUI takes in a book's title and language to find it on Libgen and proceeds to read it aloud, making it an audiobook. You're allowed to pause/play, stop, change the volume, the page, and the speed of the audiobook;
  • stringtoiso, a PyPI project whose goal is to allow users to easily convert between different variables and their ISO (International Organization for Standardization) codes. As of now, it converts an input language name to its ISO-639 code equivalent. You can install it through terminal (use "pip install stringtoiso")
  • undocumented ones, and many more to come...


My Services

Critical Thinking

Through Competitive Programming (with C++), I have gained deep insight into how to critically think to solve problems (using logic/math) and implement real-world solutions using software (e.g. Data Structures and Dynamic Programming for optimization problems in factories). My achievements in many global Hackathons like the GHackathon 2020, my participation in Hackathons like HighSchoolHacks, and being an organizer for my school's annual Hackathon has given me countless experiences with critical thinking and how that works with soft skills like leadership and collaboration.

Mathematical Insight

My learning of undergraduate-level mathematics at just Grade 11 (through the Further Mathematics A-Levels, where I achieved an A* [PUM: 95]) are highly reflective of my extensive mathematical knowledge, and my numerous awards for international Grade 12 math competitions (like being on CEMC's Euclid Honor Roll, top 1%) represent my ability to think mathematically, even in timed situations.

Statistics/Data Science

As an extension of my CS and Math knowledge, I have explored the field of Data Science, and my main takeaway has been that it is basically computational statistics, which extends on my Further Statistics knowledge from giving the Further Math A-Levels (like A/B testing and inferential statistics). My particular interests have been in Artificial Intelligence and how to implement solutions to help my community with it.

Leadership & Collaboration

The most difficult quality to master in modern workspaces is leadership, communication, and collaboration, and the tech world is no exception. I've taught multiple, international award-winning HS students Competitive Programming and Competition Maths through the clubs I've started. I've learned a lot from my teachers. However, I think I unexpectedly learned a lot from my peers. Over the course of my High School experience, I've realized that collaboration and communication significantly enhance a student's learning experience (I could not image excelling at Economics from the ground up without my veteran friends by my side). These skills of being able to learn and teach with ease I plan to apply everywhere I go.

App Design & Development

I have developed multiple GUIs, especially using Android Studio (Java & XML), Tkinter (Python), and WindowBuilder (Java). I've implemented a variety of apps, including one that performs NLP (Sentiment Analysis) to analyse student feedback tailor-made for our school's Student Council and another with a multi-user system that tracks your grades, using various OOP concepts and Java libraries like Apache

Web Design & Development

Just like with this personal portfolio website, I have used tools to implement customized websites for my clients at Altus Media. This experience has allowed me to get creative with my design using CSS and JS, something I didn't usually think about when constructing websites in the past.


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